Friday, December 30, 2011

Day 65

   I'm past the two month mark! Eating healthier is starting to become more of a habit than a chore. I'm also starting to get back to walking my dog again since my time off due to my knee injury. I'm hoping to keep it up, but also starting slow so I don't get hurt again.
   Okay, so since my last post I have done 2 weekly weigh-in's. First one was on the 20'th and I weighed in at 251 lbs and I did another yesterday (technically anyway, since it's only into the wee hours of the morning!) and I weighed in at 246 lbs.
    Slowly but steadily I'm still losing some pounds. I'm very content with the rate (I'd even be content with less, but this makes me even happier) I'm still on target to be at my goal weight by next year. I was a little worried because I ate a roll for Christmas dinner, as well as did a little sampling of the dessert table. Needless to say, this last weigh-in was a welcomed surprise! Another 5 lbs down this week!
    I'm officially over 1/3rd of the way to where I'd like to be. I know that it'll start slowing down soon but then I just need to pick up the pace with more exercise (easier said than done, right?)

Well, it's about time for me to pass out. It's day 65 and I weigh 246 lbs.

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Day 48

   Okay- so I weighed in a day early, I couldn't wait! And boy, I sure was happy with what I read on the scale. I lost another 5 pounds, which is totally great and more than my weekly weight loss goal (3lbs).
    I think I'm finally starting to be able to see a difference in my body. I can tell a little around my stomach and a little in my face. It's nice being able to start SEEING some results. It's definitely making it more "real" and keeps me pumped up to continue trying my best.
    I had a HUGE diet "oh no" moment earlier today when a friend wanted to go to KFC and I realized that I wanted _everything_ on the menu, but couldn't _eat_ anything on it. I just clenched tight to my protein shake and waited it out.
   I've been giving myself a "cheat day", if you will, every 3-4 weeks or so. I had one for Thanksgiving, which I sampled almost every dessert! My next one is going to be Christmas dinner, but this time I'm skipping the desserts and saving the calories for my dinner roll, potatoes and gravy. Believe me, I'm counting down the days!
   Another thing I've started doing is Pilates. So far, it's kicking my butt, and it makes me sore for days. I'm not going to quit though. I'm due for another session tonight (Netflix is great for those videos, they have TONS so I never get bored). It's a little depressing though watching all those skinny minnies not even breaking a sweat and I'm dripping, crouched over and gasping for breath! I guess I'll go get ready for my reality check now.

So, this is day 48 and I weigh 254.

Saturday, December 10, 2011

Day 45

     It's been quite a while since I updated, so here's a few things to catch up on! I weighed in on December 1'st and was sad to find that I had gained one pound from the previous weigh-in. Bringing me to 262. Then 5 days later on the 6'th of December, I weighed in again to find that I was back below my previous weight, this time I was 259 lbs. So, that was a relief. Either way, it's slowing down and my appetite is speeding up. What an awful combo! I'm due for another weigh-in on Wednesday the 14'th. I hope that I have lost a couple more pounds, but we'll see!

Monday, November 28, 2011

Day 33

   So I'd like to lose this weight by about September/October 2012 (since a couple friends are getting married in November/December and I'd like to be able to put on a dress and not look like I had to sew two together) so.. that gives me 9 or 10 months to lose roughly 110 lbs. This comes down to 11-13 lbs a month or 3-4 lbs a week - on average. I sure hope I can do it. So far this last month I've lost about 30 lbs, or an average of 7.5 lbs a week. I know it's going to become more difficult as I become a lower weight, but I'll just have to kick up the working out as I get more and more energy.
   I don't quite NEED to be at my goal weight (150) by the wedding times, but it sure is my dream! I'd be happy to get down to 200, I haven't been that light in years. Wish me luck!

Saturday, November 26, 2011

Day 31

   Okay, so I've only lost 4 lbs in the last weekish. Hmph! Thanksgiving was nice. I was able to have a nice dinner with my Mother, Stepfather, Grandma, Grandpa and my brother. I was very good for the actual DINNER- no potatoes, no stuffing (which was the HARDEST part), no rolls, etc. However I did let my leash out a little for dessert. I mean, what's Thanksgiving without a little pumpkin pie, right? Sure, I probably could have done without the spice cake and strawberry shortcake.. but I did MUCH better than past years.
    I've started to do Pilates. Working with my hurt knee is keeping me from doing a few of the exercises but I'm doing my best with what I've got. With any luck, my knee will be getting better soon.

As I sit here, about to watch "Panic Room" and snacking on some grapes and a reduced fat string cheese, I am happy to announce my weight as 261- almost 30 lbs lighter than when I started one month ago!


Friday, November 18, 2011

Day 23

   Okay, I weighed in again! I'm down 5 more pounds bringing me to 265. Granted it's half of what I've been losing the 2 prior weeks but I knew that it would start slowing down sooner or later. Plus, 10 lbs a week isn't recommended anyway.
    I've started to slowly work out, just trying to keep with it. I know that I'm eating well and everything but I'm at the point where I feel guilty if I become full. Ugh. Trying to find a "center" is something that I'm struggling with. It may also have come along with a my recent lack of weight lost. I know I shouldn't feel that way but sometimes I just can't help it. But hey, nothing about this seemed EASY in the beginning. Maybe this is just one of the first things I need to learn to get around.

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Day 15

     Ah, my first weigh in since I started this 15 loooong days ago.  First off, I'd like to clear something up. It seems that I do not weigh 300, I weighed 290. This mistake was due to a faulty scale error.(Translation: it wasn't a digital scale. It went all the way around and back to 0, which I mistakenly thought was 300, but when I actually squatted down and looked, it was 290 = 0. Which if you ask me is a very odd place to stop!) Anyway, I stepped on the scale and couldn't even look down for at least 30 or more seconds. All I could think about was how upset I'd be if the number hadn't changed, or worse yet... gone up. I thought about all the changes I've made to my life and how difficult it's been. Once I finally gained the courage to look down, I was very happy I did.

This is day 15 and I weigh 270lbs.

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Day 11

    Still sick, but much better than I was. I still haven't weighed in and at this point I think I may just wait till the 2 week mark instead. I hope I can wait. I'm so excited to see if I've lost anything yet. I sure hope so. I've been eating so good! Since I've been sick, I've put the workouts on the back burner so I'm hoping to get back on those in a day or two.
    I can't believe that the 2 week mark is coming up so fast. It really doesn't seem like it's been that long so far. I hope it stays like this! I have a couple friends who are getting married in October/November of 2012. My short term goal is to be 100lbs lighter by those weddings. Just thinking about buying a dress and not being completely disgusted in what's looking back at me in the mirror is my fuel keeping me going!

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Day 8

   UGH. So due to an unfortunate case of some sort of wicked cold, I cannot weigh in today. See- I weigh in at work since I do not have a scale at home and I could not go to work today. Kinda stinks since I was really looking forward to seeing if I have lost any weight yet and if so, how much. But there's always tomorrow!
   So far I've been doing well at sticking to my diet. I did however have a very realistic dream last night about a burger and fries though! Hehe, I s'pose those are bound to happen. Since it's now been one week and I think I have most of the eating temptations under control, I think it's time to start working out. I'm sick right now so I think I'll start with a mile or so walks every evening and then start to add in the total gym once I'm feeling a little less weak.


Monday, October 31, 2011

Day 5

     Today is Halloween. Thankfully it's almost over. I didn't think it'd be so hard to resist eating candy all day. Thankfully my trip to the grocery store yesterday was successful. I bought a ton of different foods so it keeps me from being bored while starting this diet. Looks like all I have left on my agenda for the evening is watching a horror movie in bed (I mean c'mon, I have to do something for Halloween) and then it's lights out. I have a sore throat and could definitely use some sleep. Weigh in is in 3 more days!

Sunday, October 30, 2011

Day 3

Day 3 is coming to a close. I had to order a lettuce wrap today from my local sandwich shop because I have nothing to eat in the house. Well, nothing even remotely healthy anyway. So I settled for a turkey lettuce wrap. Crazy thing is that they cost the same as their subs. That's not quite fair! I added some cucumbers to it, no mayo, and a dab of mustard for flavor. It helped but it still didn't fill me up very much. Looks like tomorrow I need to go grocery shopping!

Friday, October 28, 2011

Day 2

   I haven't really come up with a set in stone PLAN yet. I know a couple things though for certain! I am cutting out ALL alcohol and limiting the portions I eat. Doesn't sound like much right now, but the not drinking booze part is bound to help out more than it would seem. Did you know that in each shot of (40%) liquor there is about 100 calories? I'm not going to go into details about exactly how much I drank before but if you add those calories and the calories of the mixers, I'm cutting out 1000-2000 (or more) calories A DAY.
   My mother is also trying to lose weight with me. She suggested I start writing down what I eat each day so I can look at it at the end of the week and apparently be disgusted. So far, reading it just makes me hungry... I'm hoping that will change.
  In a few weeks, once I get into the swing of being deprived of all the delicious baked goods in the world, I'm hoping to start adding in daily walks, working out on the total gym, etc, to the schedule. My main thing is just to not get burnt out right away. I have a long journey ahead of me. It helps to look in the mirror every morning and say to myself "This is the last day I'll look like this", knowing that if I can get down to a lower weight I will never go back again.
   I'll update my (hopefully) new weight every week. Goodbye Day 2!

Day 1

    I suppose a good way to start this is to first explain how I got here in the first place. I was 17 years old at the time and had just started dating a guy who would turn out to be my first (more so) serious relationship. I soon dropped out of High School and fell into the lifestyle of partying every night with him and his friends. Wake up, invite friends over, drink, smoke, eat, pass out, rinse and repeat. This went on for the entirety of our two year relationship. At some point during it, I was forced to move out of my mother's house and find a place of my own. Lucky for me, I had friends who moved in with me to help out with bills. Unlucky for me, these friends, like me, were into the same things as I was and I never quite grew out of my careless lifestyle. I am now 23 years old and a staggering 170 lbs heavier than what I used to be before all of this.
    I know that it is time to turn my life around. Well, I guess I have known for quite awhile now but procrastination is the one thing I'm truly wonderful at. However there's only so long you can hide from yourself. So I've started this blog to help me express some of the things that are on my mind and to have to look back on (hopefully in a 'WOW, so glad that's over!' sort of way) in the future.
      So without further ado... I weigh 300 lbs and this is Day 1.