Friday, October 28, 2011

Day 2

   I haven't really come up with a set in stone PLAN yet. I know a couple things though for certain! I am cutting out ALL alcohol and limiting the portions I eat. Doesn't sound like much right now, but the not drinking booze part is bound to help out more than it would seem. Did you know that in each shot of (40%) liquor there is about 100 calories? I'm not going to go into details about exactly how much I drank before but if you add those calories and the calories of the mixers, I'm cutting out 1000-2000 (or more) calories A DAY.
   My mother is also trying to lose weight with me. She suggested I start writing down what I eat each day so I can look at it at the end of the week and apparently be disgusted. So far, reading it just makes me hungry... I'm hoping that will change.
  In a few weeks, once I get into the swing of being deprived of all the delicious baked goods in the world, I'm hoping to start adding in daily walks, working out on the total gym, etc, to the schedule. My main thing is just to not get burnt out right away. I have a long journey ahead of me. It helps to look in the mirror every morning and say to myself "This is the last day I'll look like this", knowing that if I can get down to a lower weight I will never go back again.
   I'll update my (hopefully) new weight every week. Goodbye Day 2!

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