Sunday, March 18, 2012

Day 143

So happy belated St. Patty's Day! Last night was my first day I drank in.... 142 days! I am so proud that I made it that long. I couldn't drink as much as I used to but go figure-- I've basically lost a sixth grader off my hips! I also don't feel like I need to drink anymore. I felt kinda crappy afterwards/today even though I had about 1/2 the drinks I normally would have (or less!).  Oh well, back to my weight loss! As of last Thursday (3 days ago) I weighed 215 pounds. 16 more and I'll be under 200, which is going to be SO great! I can't weight (<--- GET IT?!) Okay, Maybe I'm still a little drunk. While I sleep this off I'm going to dream of fitting into a size 14!

Goodbye 6 more pounds!

Sunday, March 4, 2012

Day 129

Well, I've only lost a tiny amount of weight since my last post. I was 231, right? Well as of last Wednesday I was only 221. So 10 lbs in about a month. A little depressing but at least I'm still LOSING... just slowly! I found some pretty delicious TV dinner type meals by "Healthy Choice". Some of them even come with a dessert so it's a nice treat (by dessert I mean like apple and cherry cobbler type thing, sans breading-- but anything sweet is amazing!). I try not to eat them too often though, but making my own dinner for one every night is a little taxing. I'm just too busy with other things at the moment. This last week I have worked out 3 times though! Haha, sounds NORMAL or even less than NORMAL for some people but for me it's a large improvement. Of course it's been miniscule amounts of time but I'll keep working on that.

Next weigh in is in a few days, I'll be happy with even 1 more lb lost. Please no plateauing/gaining!!

Also, I'm hoping to introduce myself back into the 210's! I can't believe that it's already been 70 lbs lost. I should be very proud of myself. Yay! 70 down, about another 70 to go. Halfway!

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Day 104

Wow, over 100 days. I never thought I would make it this far. I have been 100 days with no alcohol, no pizza, and no potatoes! Unfortunately though, my weight loss has dropped and I'm only losing 2-3 lbs a week now. I'm sure if it would be back up around 5lbs a week like it used to be, but I just can't get in the habit of working out regularly. If I get out and do something physical once a week, it's a good week. I just need more energy!

So, this is day 104 and I weigh 231 lbs. :)

Friday, January 6, 2012

Day 71

   I weighed in yesterday at 5 more pounds lost. This is all starting to feel much more real now, and friends and family around me are starting to notice the difference in my size. It makes me feel much better, since I can't really notice it yet. I mean, I suppose my clothes are fitting better but from just looking at myself, I can't tell. One more pound and it will make it 50 lbs that I lost! Sounds so much better than 40! 50... half of a hundred pounds! Which means that I'm a little over 1/3rd of the way to my goal weight.
    This marks the end of day 71. And I weigh 241 lbs.